When Going “Social” Goes Too Far

For years now, the word “social” has permeated every aspect of our online experiences. Integrating social aspects into development projects has been the norm for a long while now. That being said, some actors within the tech world seem to push the boundaries of what is acceptable when aggregating user-identifying data. Results of these aggregations/linkages range from harmless to outright creepy. Such an instance happened to me recently, and I thought I’d share as yet another warning to those who choose to share openly.


WordCamp, Here I Come!

WordCamp Atlanta 2017 - I'm Attending!

I’ve neglected going to a WordCamp for far too long, and I’m going to change that by attending the one in Atlanta March 17-19, 2017! I usually reserve my weekends for anything other than work, but I feel the return on investment for attending a WordCamp is too great to ignore. So, I’ve booked a nice hotel in downtown, blocked off my schedule, and started planning my travel.


The Great Holiday Shutdown

One reason I love working for myself is the flexibility it provides in my personal life, especially around the holidays. I’m a very festive person, so I get heavily involved in Christmas traditions. Christmas lights. Cheesy movies on the Hallmark Channel.1Seriously. I’m a total sucker for the Hallmark Channel movies during the holidays. I have the TV in my shop hooked up to a short-range FM transmitter so I can listen with my headset while I’m dangling from trees. People assume I’m listening to the radio. If they only knew… The list goes on. Fortunately, I’m in a position to go all Griswold between November and January.


Estimates Are Stressful

Estimate? More Like Guesstimate!

Seriously.  Who else dreads giving estimates or quotes for development work?  I know I can’t possibly be alone because new clients always request them.  Anytime I am asked for an estimate, it’s always an exercise in futility.  I’ve been in web development for a long time now, and I can never seem to nail down accurate estimates.  As time has gone on, it’s gotten worse.
